Tonto Dikeh’s Ebola Campaign | Photos + Message Tonto Dikeh has joined the long list of Nigerian celebritie...

Tonto Dikeh’s Ebola Campaign | Photos + Message


Tonto Dikeh’s Ebola Campaign | Photos + Message

Tonto Dikeh Ebola Campaign
Tonto Dikeh has joined the long list of Nigerian celebrities putting words out about the deadly Ebola virus and how to stay safe and protected.
Pokolee shared photos from her campaign as well as a short message to her fans.
She said,
Picturez from my Ebola campgn Ad** Ebola is a very serious dieasez n should be treated as such,It’s high dangerous if not treated on time* We can prevent EBOLA by regularly Washing Our hands*RMBR PRECIOUS IS BETTER DAN CURE* Few symptoms/signs of EBOLA ARE:::SOAR THROAT,BODY ACHES,WEAKNESS,STOOLIN ,FEVER,PUKING* IF U FEEL ANY OR ALL OF THE SYMPTOMS/SIGNS PLZ DO CALL OR GO FOR HELP* CALL 0800 EBOLA HELP

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