Icing On The Marijuana! Rapper Jesse Jagz Loves A “Dope” Cake ...

Icing On The Marijuana! Rapper Jesse Jagz Loves A “Dope” Cake


Icing On The Marijuana! Rapper Jesse Jagz Loves A “Dope” Cake


Hello, anyone ever ate a cake designed to be an extension of weed? No? Too bad you’re not Jesse Jagz.
The singer, rapper and producer had his birthday to celebrate some weeks ago, with lots of drinking, partying and granted wishes (no fairies though). But the real star of the show wasn’t Jagga himself, his cake managed to beat him in the ‘star’ department. Spotting a weird design which bore a comical representation of the leaves of Marijuana as the icing, the cake stole the hearts of all who were at the gig.
Surprise? Nah, you shouldn’t be. Jesse loves his weed, and he does love it even with sugar and spice, and in his music videos.
We’ve got you more pictures, enjoy!

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