Analyze Diss Video – Pull Off By Terry G ...

Analyze Diss Video – Pull Off By Terry G


Analyze Diss Video – Pull Off By Terry G


I’m twerking all over here with excitement. Terry G, madman, loony character, and bad boy, gets us in the zone with the visual of a new single, “Pull Off”.  Watch fast, enjoy…and go lower for my mouth job!

Analyze Diss
Phew! Ain’t we all sad that that one finished soon? Perverts Ahoy! Let’s go first on the auditory zone. The tune rocks. Sure does. Terry G soaked inspiration from far away Jamaica, threw in his awesome madness, and gave us something to make us never abandon the repeat button. Kudos bruva, you made our ears take a life of its own.
Ahem! Now’s the juicy part; That video pushed the borders of PG. Here are some choice adjectives to pick from. Raunchy, sexy, sleazy, engaging, endearing, awful, decadent, super awesome. Pick your lot. Whatever. But down here, it’s a plus. And for the lady who pulled off the wriggly butt-stunt on the car? (in Scooby Doo’s voice) ‘NBC, wheeeeerrrreeee arreeeeeeee yooooooooooooou!
Verdict: 4/5. still screaming. ‘NBC, wheeeeerrrreeee arreeeeeeee yooooooooooooou!

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