5 Hidden Differences Between the Royal Baby And Baby North West ...

5 Hidden Differences Between the Royal Baby And Baby North West


5 Hidden Differences Between the Royal Baby And Baby North West


It’s no news that Prince Williams and Kate have welcomed a baby boy and it’s even staler news that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West also welcomed a baby girl last month. Why we are poking our noses into this matter is because both babies had been simultaneously conceived and anticipated. So now that both have finally arrived, what next? We have discovered some secret differences between these two kids (aside their gender) and we want to share…
Married And Single:
So while the royal baby is been born from a holy and beloved royal matrimony entangled with so love and power, the Kimye baby appears to be coming out of wedlock in the most confused and strange relationship in Hollywood. Need I remind us that people still wonder if Kanye West will stay in love for too long? Especially when he was spotted kissing a model in France while his girl was preggy for him! Mmm, we just wonder what kind of love exists in North’s home.
Royal Vs Hollywood Kiss

Fake And Real Royalty
As the name goes (for now), the royal baby is truly royal, with the blue blood running through his veins. He’s the son of a king and the great grandchild of the Great Queen Elizabeth for Christ’s sake. It’s obvious he won’t be fighting for power coz he is power! On the other hand, baby North will be struggling to attain the throne maybe for the rest of her life like her mother has been doing and will never go near royalty till death do us part. Ouch! Can’t imagine that same effort will have to see another generation. Not to worry baby North, you are the princess of the Hollywood Throne. Oh! That’s if Blue Ivy allows it!
Kate holds Royal Baby

Name vs Appearance
Kimye had to do something for their baby to stay relevant to the press and so decided they will announce a name and then keep the child’s body parts away from the prying eyes of the bad guys – paparazzi. How relevant was that? Especially when North West sounded like some lost passengers discussion trying to find their way from a map or a daring reference to where God resides. Now, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge politely followed the old royal tradition by presenting their new bundle of joy to the rest of the world and kindly telling the press they are ‘still working on the name’. Which is better, seeing a real baby or hearing the name of someone, we don’t even know is real?
Royal Couple presents baby boy to public

The Future
The royal baby is definitely heading to The Throne to become Great Britain’s king after his dad. Awww! How noble! His future is made even before he is conceived and from birth he is having the royal treatment meant for a sovereign. However, we are still deliberating on what the future holds for baby North West. Oh yes! She is a Kim Kardashian and Kanye West breed. That means a daughter of a confirmed selfish reality star and narcissistic hip hop star/weird fashion designer. OMG! Baby North’s future already looks confused and weird. Are we seeing a Paris Hilton or a Britney Spears come-back? What do you think Baby North will become?
Future Baby North West/ Royal Baby

Fashion & Style
Alright, this is the point where we shyly hand over the prize to baby North. With a very hot fashionista for a mama and an award winning fashion designer for a daddy, North rocks even in our imaginations. Mind you, she is a girl and Kim will combine Versace, Dash, Gucci, Valentino, Calvin Klein and her boyfriend’s sometimes weird collection on her. We can’t wait to see how North will look at age 5! Meanwhile, the royal baby might just stay ‘royal’, wearing the smaller version of his dad’s unbearable casual outfits and mandated suits and ‘red jackets’. He will also be using the army uniform as part of his wardrobe. Awww, this isn’t going to be sexy. Thinking the royal couple is so pretty but both seem to have thrown their genuine fashion senses into the Pacific never to be resurfaced. That’s truly sad.
Fashion: Hollywood vs Royal England

So guys, while we celebrate our two young royalties: a Hollywood royalty and Great Britain’s future king, bear in mind, we somehow wish that both could marry someday. At least with that, Kim could finally taste true royalty. Something she’s been dying to be part of for ages. Don’t laugh! We are dead serious on this one.

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